
2013/02/04 — 限定品情報 — 営業本部


Wonder Festival 2013[Winter] memorial item

RAH NEO エヴァンゲリオン初号機 覚醒版


・Project1/6 楽天市場店
・Project1/6 Yahoo!ショッピングストア店

RAH NEO Evangelion 01 Arousal version
Retail price: 22,000 Yen (tax included)

NOTE: These are limited edition items so we will stop selling when we run out of stocks.

・Project1/6 Rakuten Ichiba Store
・Project1/6 Yahoo!Shopping Store

RAH 岸本恵


・Project1/6 楽天市場店
・Project1/6 Yahoo!ショッピングストア店

RAH Megumi Kishimoto
Retail price: 19,000 Yen (tax included)

NOTE: These are limited edition items so we will stop selling when we run out of stocks.

・Project1/6 Rakuten Ichiba Store
・Project1/6 Yahoo!Shopping Store

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