BE@RBRICK sacai 100% & 400%/10月7日(土)より
2017/10/02 — BE@RBRICK情報 — 企画開発部
BE@RBRICK sacai 100% & 400%
sacai TEL.03-6418-5977
BE@RBRICK sacai 100% & 400%/launching October 7th (Sat)
BE@RBRICK sacai 100% & 400%
Retail price :16,200 yen (tax included)
Available at sacai Aoyama and sacai Hankyu Umeda!
※ The items are limited in quantity. Sales will ends when the stock is sold out.
※ sacai Umeda Hankyu released from November 15th.
Contact information/
sacai TEL.03-6418-5977