【BE@RBRICK ピカチュウ フロッキーVer. 100% & 400%】 Project1/6[1/6計画]販売方法に関しまして/2月1日(土)より

2020/01/24 — project1/6[1/6計画]情報 — project 1/6

 BE@RBRICK ピカチュウ フロッキーVer. 100% & 400%
BE@RBRICK ピカチュウ フロッキーVer. 100% & 400%

何卒ご了承のほど、 よろしくお願い申し上げます。





【ご応募受付期間】2020年1月25日(土) 0:00~2020年1月26日(日) 23:59


ご来店希望時間帯をお一つお選びください。/Choose only one desired visiting time
 2/1 (土) 11:00-11:25 2/1 (土) 11:30-11:55 2/1 (土) 12:00-12:25 2/1 (土) 12:30-12:55 2/1 (土) 13:00-13:25 2/1 (土) 13:30-13:55 2/1 (土) 14:00-14:25 2/1 (土) 14:30-14:55




住所1 都道府県/Prefectures

住所2 市区町村・番地/City

住所3 建物・マンション名以降/Buildings、apartment name




 注意事項を確認し、内容に同意します。/I agreed order terms、conditions


 もし当該行為を発見した場合、今後MEDICOM TOY運営各ショップでの

お問い合せ先/project1/6[1/6計画] TEL.03-3467-7676(営業時間 11:00-20:00)
【BE@RBRICK Pikachu Flocked Ver. 100% & 400%】
/launching February 1st(Sat) Project1/6 sales terms.

【Sale items】
BE@RBRICK Pikachu Flocked Ver. 100% & 400%
Retail price:13,200 Yen(tax included)

For sales of above items at project1/6 on
February 1st(Sat)11:00-15:00,
the lottery for the store admission will be
held on WEB in order to prevent a disturbance at store.

※Please read the following notes carefully for a lottery application.
_You are deemed to agree the terms and conditions at the time of entry.

※Released items may be subject to change.

※Lottery winning does not guarantee for stock your desired product.
__Please be forewarned that this is a limited quantity item, so sales will end
__when the stock runs out.

from January 25th(Sat) 0:00AM to January 26th(Sun) 23:59PM

・Please apply only if you are possible to come to project1/6 store on
__February 1st(Sat).

・Apply lottery on the WEB only. We do not accept application by
__phone or over-the-counter.
・The winners can enter project1/6 on February 1st(Sat).
・Please input of your name, address (in Japan), contact information and
__e-mail address accurately for a prompt contact to winners.
・An application will be invalid if your name, address,
__contact information and e-mail address is duplicated or
__apply a multiple time zones.
・Application is allowed only once per customer.
__Please apply one person per address.
・We do not accept changing your information such as the name or
__address after the application is accepted.
・Application is only effective to the customer who comes to store to sign up.
・Application from deputy will be considered invalid.
※The notification email might be recognized as
__“junk mail” by the setting of your email software
__or an anti-virus software.Please check the settings of the software as well as
__the “Junk email folder”. For the cell phone,
__please contact with your mobile phone company.
__Please set it for receiving the following domain. @medicomtoy.co.jp

【Notes after lottery】
・Lottery results will be informed by email (to the winners only) on January 30th(Thu).
・We will guide you the set time by winning e-mail.
・Please arrive 5 minutes before the time listed.
__The store staff will escort you to stand in line before project 1/6 store.
・If you delayed in the scheduled time listed, winning rights would be invalid.
・Visiting time cannot be changed after the lottery winning.
・Bring your Photo ID and a winning notification email or
__a printed winning notification email.
・We will ask your photo ID when you are stand in line.
__(Revoked if your identity could not be confirmed.)
・Following Photo ID will be eligible; Driver license, passport, Residence card,
__My number card, Physical disability certificate.
※Exclude student ID card and Juki card.
※Forgery of official ID is a criminal act. If found, we will notify the police.

・Expired ID card or a copy will not be accepted.
・Admission to the store will restrict to the winners only.
__A deputy cannot enter the store or make payment.
・Lottery winning does not guarantee for stock your desired product.
__Please be forewarned that this is a limited quantity item, so sales will end
__when the stock runs out.
・Please be forewarned that it might take a time to enter the shop.
※Above item will be purchased 1 per customer.
※We do not hold the goods by phone.
※We do not respond to inquiries regarding the sales volume of product.
※We can’t basically accept returns or exchanges.
※If not following instructions given by store staff, winning rights would be invalid.
※Please note that we do not answer any inquiries about lottery results.
※Buying the purchased products from customers inside or
__around project1/6 store is unruly behavior that is strongly prohibited.
__Once seen, you will not be permitted to go into and purchase at all
__MEDICOM TOY official stores in the future.

Contact information/project 1/6 TEL.03-3467-7676(11:00-20:00)

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